Friday, August 14, 2009

Brent's New Teeth

Well Brent has had his surgery and has had 21 teeth pulled. His recovery is doing well and is stubborn as ever. The surgery was on the 12Th of August and now he says his stitches are driving him crazy. Not to make fun of him but have to tell you the funny story about the day of the surgery. Picture this in your head when I tell this story you will just crack up laughing I know I do. We were walking out of the office to take him home and we had two choices either a walk way or steps well I told him I would rather take him down the ramp instead of the stairs, Well Brent all drugged up feeling pretty good not having a clue as to what the heck he is doing just starts for the steps my hands were clenched to his shirt praying he didn't fall down them. SO we are in the truck heading to my mom's to get Samuel and out of no where he reaches to the side to put the seat down and all I seen after that was his head flying back and the seat Dropped. I turned to him, grabbed his arm and asked if he was OK trying not to laugh he answers me with a thumbs up and just smiled with gauze coming out of his mouth. Then we got home and his stubborn side came out and I told him not to get out of the truck till I had opened the front door, well Brent grabs all the Wal-mart bags with his soft, Liquid diet and starts getting out of the truck before I do and he looked at me with a what ever look in his eyes and said he was fine. Well clearly he wasn't he got out of the truck and kinda stumbled around I grabbed his arm just as he almost fell back. One of his friends drove by and stopped. Brent all the time not knowing what is going on. His friend asked if I was beating the heck out of him and again Brent's answer was a Thumbs up all the while this guys looks at I have no clue who he is and just laughs. So the stairs to our front door were a blast Brent just started barreling up them. Well about 2 hours after we get home Brent starts to come to asking me all sorts of questions. He is doing really good already back to work and the stitches are already dissolving. I do have pictures but they are kinda gross so when he gets his new teeth I will post a picture of that. It still will be a few weeks hopefully only one but we will see how things go they are a work in progress. Hope you enjoyed the funny story about the day Brent lost his teeth. HE told me to let you all know he is fine and cant WAIT to get his teeth . Love ya all and we will talk to you soon. Love Brent Sarah Samuel Brian and Makayla.


  1. That is a super funny story. I just want to bust up laughing just thinking about it. It has to suck getting that many teeth pulled but at the same time great to be able to get new teeth too. Hope all countiues to go well.

  2. I am here to let you know that Brent has gotten his teeth and he looks Great with them in. I will take pictures later today when he gets home from work. He loves having them in and the gag reflect is not so bad anymore. I will post puctures soon We love you all and miss you talk to you soon.
