Friday, October 23, 2009

McRae and Tuffs Fall Pics

I had a great time visiting Kaylyn, Joe and Maleah in Logan. Kaylyn's friend Delia took these photos of McRae and Tuff. She Also took some photos of Maleah but I will let Kaylyn post those. Going to visit Garth and Steph was also very fun, their house is very cute especially with all their hard work.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Christmas List

I know it Christmas more than 2 months away. It never hurts to be prepared early going into the holiday season. So I thought I would post what I remember as who has who for Christmas with the siblings. If it is wrong then leave a comment and I will change it. Also with that if you know what your family would like or need also post a couple of ideas for your sibling. It might make things a little easier. I know I have no clue what to get anyone.

Name - 2009
Becky - Kaylyn
Brent - Garth
Marianne - Becky
Kaylyn - Brent
Garth - Marianne

Friday, October 2, 2009

(left) Tuff humors us sometimes when we want to get pictures of him and the kid together.

(below) Just after Dallan got home from Wright, WY. McRae thought it would be a good idea for his dad to take a nap.

September has been a busy month for our family. McRae is growing like a weed and starting to become mobile. He army crawls all over the place, nothing below a 18 inches from the ground is safe. Dallan worked on a rig by Wright, WY the second week of September then left again less than a week later for Glen Rock, WY for another project. This one should last into November. I miss him when he is gone, but he has been home for a lot of McRaes' early life. I work part time at a liquor store. More for adult time than anything else. McRae goes to daycare when I work, it has been good for him to be exposed to other people and kids.